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The Michaelmas Murders

Published on .
Duckworth Books, 288 pages.
ISBN: 9781788424684

£9.99 GBP

The No. 2 Feline Detective Agency

As the Town's annual flower and produce show approaches, it's all doom and bloom up on the allotments. Prize vegetables are going missing and a dead body is found fertilizing Bonny Grub's onion patch. Baronial landowner Fluff Wither-Fork is beside herself and calls in the No.2 Feline Detective Agency.

Who is trying to sabotage the scarecrow competition? And will Hettie Bagshot and her sidekick Tilly get to the bottom of this murky compost heap before judgement day arrives? Amid a sea of binder twine and raised beds, a spiteful killer cat is on the prowl. Who will be next, as the allotment community shake in their wellington boots?

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