Best of 2024
By Janice Hallett.
Published on August 29, 2024.
Viper, Hardcover, 480 pages.
ISBN: 9781800810457
Janice Hallett has done it again: in her latest epistolary novel, the reader is encouraged to join the dots and solve the mystery by reading emails, text messages and essays from a group of arts students. Hallett's usual unreliable narrators, gentle satire, and plot twists make this a favourite, ideally to be read through in one sitting.
By Donna Leon.
Published on July 18, 2024.
Hutchinson Heinemann, Hardcover, 288 pages.
ISBN: 9781529154368
Commissario Guido Brunetti returns to solve another crime in Venice. Donna Leon's long-standing series never disappoints, and the publishers have kindly opted for a larger-than-usual font size, which makes it easier to read for older eyes.
By Chris Brookmyre.
Published on July 18, 2024.
Abacus, Hardcover, 512 pages.
ISBN: 9780349145792
What would happen when a Golden Age "little old lady" detective who solves the usual village murders and a hardboiled police detective from California meet? In the capable hands of Chris Brookmyre, this genre-crossing story is highly entertaining and fun.
By Ian Rankin.
Published on October 10, 2024.
Orion, Hardcover, pages.
ISBN: 9781398709423
Ian Rankin's John Rebus series, set in Edinburgh, is deservedly popular. This latest instalment sees John Rebus behind bars - clearly not the safest place to be for someone who has put many of the inmates into prison in the first place.
By Dominic Nolan
Published on November 7, 2024.
Headline, Hardcover, 464 pages.
ISBN: 9781035416752
1950s London is the main character in this dark and gritty tale. Against a back-drop of rationing and race riots, crime and poverty, Dominic Nolan's White City is a powerful and compelling read.
Product title
By Stuart Turton
Published on March 28, 2024.
Raven Books, Hardcover, 352 pages.
ISBN: 9781526634955
There is a murder, and the plot is driven by the urgent need of the protagonist to solve it, so this book fits the murder mystery genre.
For the reader, the biggest puzzle and joy lies in puzzling out what this post-apocalyptic island really is. True to form, Stuart Turton again builds a richly imagined world with compelling characters.
By Benjamin Stevenson
Published on August 29, 2024.
Penguin, Paperback, 384 pages.
ISBN: 9781405954808
Benjamin Stevenson's second novel takes all the familiar mystery tropes: there is a closed circle of characters (all involved in crime fiction writing and publishing), in a confined location (a moving train crossing Australia), with a corpse in a locked room. The narrator delights in teasing the reader by pointing out all the rules of the genre. It's a fun read for classic mystery readers.
By Nick Harkaway
Published on October 24, 2024.
Viking, Hardcover, 320 pages.
ISBN: 9780241714904
George Smiley is back, resurrected by John le Carré's son Nick Harkaway, an acclaimed novelist in his own right, who here masterfully captures the style of the original. The story takes us back to 1963, and the Cold War.
By Mark Aldridge
Published on September 12, 2024.
Harper Collins, Hardcover, 448 pages.
ISBN: 9780008522698
The ultimate companion volume to Miss Marple, by "Agathologist" Mark Aldridge, Agatha Christie's Marple describes and evaluates the full range of Marple publications, from the original stories, to film and television adaptions, translations, audiobooks and more, taking us all the way from 1927 to the 21st century.
By Vaseem Khan
Published on November 28, 2024.
Hodder & Stoughton, Hardcover, 352 pages.
ISBN: 9781399707657
This should be on the list for the striking cover alone. Vaseem Khan's latest volume in the Malabar House series takes us to Bombay and New Delhi in 1951. We again meet India's first female detective Persis Wadia, and Archie Blackfinch from Scotland Yard.