The Wiregrass
Published on .
Ultimo Press, 320 pages.
ISBN: 9781761153822
Nash Rankin is a disgraced cop trying to escape his past – his career was destroyed when he chose to take justice into his own hands. Now he’s living a quiet life in a small town, caring for the local wildlife and trying to stay away from trouble.
Jesse Redpath has a new job in a new town: Satellite. The stormy weather that greets her first few days on the beat seems like a sign of what’s to come. A local has died in what looks like an accident, but Jessie isn’t so sure that the ‘accident’ wasn’t planned.
All the evidence points to Nash, but Jesse’s not sure about that either. Seems like Nash has enemies. And what looks like a close-knit community might just be a cover for dark secrets.
No amount of rain will wash this town clean.
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