Motives Unknown : New Northern Crime
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Dead Ink Books, 240 pages.
ISBN: 9781915368911
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An anthology of new crime writing from the North of England.
Welcome to the North. Sprawling cities. Lawless rural landscapes.
A long and unforgiving history. Here is where the winds blow cold and the nights are long. An actor takes his preparation a little too seriously. An elderly victim avenges a crime from decades past. Two children play a dangerous game with their classmates. A retired detective struggles with his recollections of an old case.
From the Mersey to the Tyne, join us as we showcase twelve crime writerswho have staked out the North of England for their criminal endeavours. From corrupt lawmen to desperate academics and police procedurals to cosy capers, this anthology shows that there is no shortage of talentand no lack of imagination in the northern wilds.
Lauren Archer
Beth Barker
Ewan A.Dougall
Stan Fenton
Ines G. Labarta
Pete Hardy
Dan Howarth
Andrew Hudson
David Lawrie
Joey McGarvey
Dawn Nicholson
Abby Walker
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